Any time you create a fresh site, it’s vital to locate the best style for it. In the NRGHost Hosting Web Site Control Panel it can be done extremely fast. We have for you a variety of over 800 completely unique web site templates available for free. They are found with each of our cloud hosting accounts and are entirely easy to customize.
A lot of our designs are built only for our solutions and aren’t available elsewhere outside of the Control Panel. Therefore the probabilities to discover others with the same theme as you will be minimal.
800+ Complimentary Themes
Entirely customizable. Automatic Installation
In our Control Panel you can find a set of 800+ complimentary themes. All of them are designed for anyone that truly wants to easily set up a brand new site with a custom template, with no need to waste several hours browsing plenty of template galleries online.
NRGHost Hosting’s templates are derived from the most popular varieties of websites – blogs, portfolio pages, community forums, websites of non–profit organizations, e–stores, organization web sites, etc.
Complimentary App Themes
Find complimentary themes for your next app
If you’re planning to have a Joomla™ site or perhaps launch a brand new Wordpress blog, you will find a solution available. Using our Applications Installer, it’s possible to opt for a complimentary theme when establishing your website. NRGHost Hosting’s clever system is going to add the template instead of you and after your web site is online, it’s going to feature the website theme you have opted for.
NRGHost Hosting’s complimentary themes are not confined to simply Joomla™ or WordPress. We have complimentary themes for Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery).
Complimentary Site Builder Themes
100+ entirely customizable complimentary themes
With the NRGHost Hosting Control Panel, you’ll get the ability to access our Site Creating Application tool, the features over 100 one of a kind web templates. Every single template comes with 2 distinctive styles and many coloration alternatives. You’re able to manage all these web themes how you would like.
You don’t have to have virtually any familiarity with HTML or CSS to alter the designs inside our Website Installer. Everything is conducted via the featured editor, that’s very simple to employ.